Bendall Weights

Bendall, Simon. Byzantine Weights, An Introduction. (London, 1996).

In 68 pages which are profusely illustrated, Simon Bendall, who is one of the world 's leading experts on Byzantine coins, has taken a fragmentary subject and condensed it into a wonderful pocket size volume. The contents of this book include:

- Illustrations and Descriptions
- Bibliography
- The Weight System
- Dating
- The Issuing Authorities
- Titles - Centers and Methods of Production
- Values - Struck coin weights, fourth and fifth centuries
- Struck coin weights, late tenth to early twelfth centuries
- Spherical commercial weights
- Octagonal commercial weights
- Octagonal coin weights
- Square commercial weights
- Square coin weights
- Circular commercial weights
- Circular coin weights
- Western square weights
- Western round weights
- Square weights (?) without denominations
- Some unusual weights
- Glass weights
- Appendix: Eparchs and Perfects of Constantinople, Rome and Egypt.

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